Stoke’s Aster
By Ann Lapides
An old-fashioned delight, Stoke’s Aster, Stokesia, has won a top spot on perennial gardeners’ favorite lists for generations. Huge blue to deep violet flowers appear in summer and fall. Another outstanding attribute is its attractive, neat mound of foliage, making it a top choice for tidy gardens. Honeysong Purple Stoke’s Aster, pictured here, delights us with royal purple flowers. The huge 4″ blossoms have a hint of red towards the center that darkens as they age and fascinating deeply serrated edges.
Use Stoke’s Aster in perennial beds, cottage and cutting gardens, or as an edger. Its beautiful blue-to-purple blossoms make a tremendous accent to yellow Coreopsis, pink, or white mums and other summer and early fall bloomers. Stoke’s Aster is a native North American wildflower. It is easy to grow and heat tolerant. It blooms from midsummer to early fall (if deadheaded). It is deer- and rabbit-resistant and adored by bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. It is a hardy perennial.
Plant in full sun in average, well-drained soil. Although tolerant of drought, plants prefer moist soil and will perform best with consistent moisture. Remove spent blossoms to encourage more flowering.
See Stoke’s Aster at Sugar Creek Gardens Nursery in Kirkwood, or online at www.sugarcreekgardens.com.
Sugar Creek Gardens
1011 N Woodlawn
Kirkwood, MO 63122